Flannel Sheets

Today Anna and I put flannel sheets on all the beds.  I love this day each fall.  Warm, cozy sheets on cold nights – pure bliss.  My mom started this tradition years ago when I was living at home and it’s stuck with me.  I realize this isn’t something unique to our family; I’m sure many people do this.  Changing sheets according to the weather is practical too – cozy flannel during the cold months and crisp cotton during the warm months to help cool. In Colorado we use flannel sheets far more months in the year than cotton.  October is usually the month I put them on and they usually don’t get changed out until March or April. A few warm, summer months for cotton, and back to flannel.  So tonight I watched our kids snuggle down into their fresh, flannel sheets with smiles on their faces.  It’s one of the simple pleasures in life and I love it.

*Photos below are from a Princess/Pony birthday party Anna attended for a new preschool friend.

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2 thoughts on “Flannel Sheets

  1. How very fun, Anna! I hope you enjoyed the ride on the horse as much as Grandma loves horse riding! Looks like so much fun! Love you…Grandma Knapp

  2. I’ll be changing our sheets to flannel soon, also. They’re usually on for about 5-6 months here, too.

    Looks like a cute party!

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