Anna-isms Part 4

Recently, Anna saved up her money and purchased a pair of dress shoes with a small heel.  She had some hand-me-down sandals last summer that had a small heel and she LOVED them.  She wore them all over the house as well as to church.  Since outgrowing them she’s talked and talked about getting another pair.  So, she’s been saving and today we went to the store.

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In the van on the way home, we were talking about her new shoes, and the conversation quickly moved into a deeper topic.

A:  I’m going to wear my new shoes with a princess dress when we get home.  I like how my dresses go out when I spin.  Just like a wedding dress goes out when you dance at a wedding.  Did your dress go out when you danced at your wedding, mom?

M:  Daddy and I didn’t have a dance at our wedding.

A:  I wonder what my wedding dress will look like.  I wonder who I’m going to marry.

M:  I don’t know, Anna, but did you know I’m already praying for your husband?

I check the mirror to see her response.  Anna scrunches up her face in the cute way she does when she’s confused.

A:  What?

M:  You can pray for someone even though you don’t know them.

A:  Huh?

M:  Yes, I’m praying that your husband will know God, that he will trust God and obey Him.  You can pray for your husband now too, even though you don’t know who he’ll be.

Big concepts for a little girl.  Anna is quiet for a minute; processing.

A:  Mom, you got one of those.

M:  One of what?

A:  A husband that knows God.

M:  Yes, Anna, I did.  Daddy is a big blessing to us.

A:  Yep, and you got a funny daddy and the bestest daddy.

M:  Yep.  I got a funny husband and the bestest husband and you got a funny daddy and the bestest daddy.


I love you, sweet girl, and all the conversations we get to have.

One thought on “Anna-isms Part 4

  1. This is so precious, honey! Thanks for sharing! Love you Anna girl and all the cute things you say! Pa and G’Ma Knapp

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