My New Favorites


Have you heard of Overnight Oatmeal?  We love it!  Mix up everything the night before, leave in frig overnight, and breakfast is ready in the morning.  Because this is a cold oatmeal version, the kids and I decided it would be better in the summer, but is still a nice change.

Here’s the recipe we used (1 serving), but you can change it up and add anything.

1/2 c. oats (old-fashioned oats are best)
1/2 c.milk
1/4 c. blueberries
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 Tbsp. honey

Other ingerdients to try:
Banana, cinnamon, and peanut butter
Greek yogurt and mixed berries with pomegranate juice instead of milk
Shredded coconut, almonds, and pineapple with coconut milk
Banana, strawberries, and walnuts with chocolate milk


And this!  I love herbal teas – anything decaf – and after seeing a friend make this, decided to try it myself.  Cinnamon tea made from simply boiling cinnamon sticks in water.  Santa brought me some cinnamon sticks in my stocking and I’ve loved this yummy, new, easy to make tea.  I boiled 4-5 cinnamon sticks in a pot of water for several hours which made enough tea for several cups through the week.  I kept it in the frig and when I wanted a cup, warmed some in the microwave, added a splash of half-and-half, a little sweetener and had a delicious treat.  It’s so good.

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One thought on “My New Favorites

  1. I tried the overnight oats once, but wasn’t a fan of it cold. Of course you can heat it up a little, but I’ll just stick to the old school way. Glad you like it. That tea sounds yummy, and I bet it smells amazing!

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