Spring Break

Well, I’m getting back to blogging, hopefully.  We’ve had some technical difficulties for a bit, plus life has been very full.  Blogging is not only time consuming but is something I sit down to do when all other areas of life are caught up.  So, that means, I don’t blog often. My list of items and events to blog about is quite long, though, so hopefully I can fit it in more regularly.

The kids’ spring break began a day early with a snow day on Friday!  Gotta love springtime in Colorado!  We’ve been planning on deep cleaning the kid’s bedrooms over break, so I gave them the option – do it the first day of break, or another day next week. They decided to do the hard work first and play next week, so that’s what we did.  Sorting every little trinket and toy, getting rid of things we don’t use anymore, and organizing what we’re keeping.  A big job, but now it’s done!

We also attended the ping-pong finals at Young Life on our snow day.  Young Life holds a tournament every year and we always enjoy watching Kenny play.  This year while he didn’t make it into the finals, he was asked to MC.  So, we showed up to watch Dad crack jokes and introduce the players.  So fun.

We ended our day with Guys and Girls Night In.  The boys watched the next Star Wars movie while Anna and I watched Curious George movies and painted our nails.  James and Anna are our favorite little people and we LOVE spending one on one time with them.

The rest of our week will be slow and we’ll enjoy being at home.  When the kids were asked what they wanted to do this week, their answer was “play at home”.  That we can do.  One morning we’ll have a play date/mentoring.  Mama’s heart and spirit get built up studying The Word with others while the kids play with their friends.  A win-win for all of us. Then my parents come for a few days – a slow, enjoyable visit with nothing planned.

I pray this spring break you find rest whether you’re out adventuring somewhere or right at home.  If you aren’t in school or don’t have kids in school to get a spring break, find a moment to recharge your body and spirit.  Take a walk, read a book, bake something, play a game – do something out of the ordinary that refreshes you.  May your time focusing on slowing down bring you blessing so you can jump back into life afterwards.

2 thoughts on “Spring Break

  1. Would you believe our school doesn’t have spring break? We also don’t get a fall break! Not sure why. Hope you’re enjoying yours. Room deep cleaning should happen at our house soon, too!

    • Sorry to hear you don’t have spring break or fall break! That stinks! Good luck with the bedroom cleaning – it takes some serious patience and perseverance on mom’s part, doesn’t it? 🙂

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