Another Catch-Up

Since my last post, my grandmother passed away and we traveled back to NE earlier than expected.  We were sad to say goodbye, but grateful for the time with so much of my family. 

Anna’s cast came off the day after we returned home and she has been getting used to using that arm again.  We are so thankful for it’s healing.  

The retreat I led worship for went very well.  I was completely exhausted through it; it took every ounce of energy and oomph I had, but was so worth it.  The ladies enjoyed the music and we were so blessed to lead.  

Anna finished preschool and was sad to say goodbye to her friends and teachers. What an amazing year she had!  We came to love the staff and while I’m glad we’re not running there twice a week, Anna is sure going to miss going.  We attended her music concert the final week of school and were so proud to see her singing and dancing her little heart out.  

James was promoted in Cub Scouts this week too!  He finished his Wolf requirements and now has the badge to prove it.  We are so proud of the many accomplishments he completed to achieve this.  

Several days ago we had more snow!  Several inches of wet, slushy spring snow.  Crazy. It’s always a surprise in May to wear flip-flops and snow boots in the same week.  

Then, the sun came and we finally were able to finish some yardwork and do some planting.  It’s always wonderful to plant flowers and add some color to the yard at the start of summer. We’re praying for a summer without hail so our flowers and Kenny’s vegetables in the garden will survive.  

And, the Thunderbirds are in town for the AFA graduation this week.  We always enjoy watching them and yesterday had a wonderful view of their practice while picking James up. We plan to take our lunch and watch them from school after dismissal on Wednesday for graduation.  So fun to see a free air show every year!  

James has one day of school left this week and then he is home for the summer.  He’s excited about being home more but confessed yesterday that he’ll be a little sad to say goodbye too.  The end of the year is always bitter-sweet.  We all tear up a little saying goodbye to such wonderful teachers and friends.  

This month has been very busy and hard emotionally so I am looking forward to some slow days once James is out of school.  This weekend I was feeling tired and just done, so Kenny offered to take the kids shopping for flowers and vegetable plants while I stayed home to recharge.  A few hours of journaling, bible study, and reading was just what I needed.  Taking a heart inventory is always helpful for me in finding perspective and feeling less overwhelmed.  

Hope you’ve had a wonderful Mother’s Day this month and enjoy the start of summer over Memorial Day weekend.  What does the end of May look like for you?