Catching Up

My friend, Monica, posted a ‘catching up’ post the other day on her blog – “a random list of things filling our home right now”.  And it occurred to me today, that that is exactly the kind of post I need to write.  Life is very full for us right now, and when we’re in a season like that, typically I avoid blogging altogether until I feel I have a handle on life.  But instead, thought I’d share the things that are filling our time and minds.  Thank you, Monica, I’m stealing one of your ideas yet again.  

We are in the last few weeks of school and the kids have many special activities happening.  A Mother’s Day picnic with Anna at preschool, her spring concert, and a bring-your-lunch-to-school day on their last day of preschool.  She also gets her cast off in less than two weeks, and is super excited about that.  

James has one final poem to memorize and recite this month (they recite one or two a month in front of the class), field day, a few tasks to finish for Cub Scouts, and then promotion in Scouts.  He is SO looking forward to school being out and having more time at home.  

Kenny is continually swamped at work; it is his new normal unfortunately.  I am extremely grateful that he is able to “leave work at work” when he comes home.  He is fully present with us even if he has much on his mind.  With the weather slowly warming up, he is always busy in the yard and garden.  Currently he is digging up sprinklers and adding a few to the yard before having some sod put in today, in addition to planting in the garden and gearing up to begin mowing season.  He takes great pride in keeping the yard looking its best and I’m so thankful he wants to handle all of it.  

I’m leading worship for a one-day retreat at our church on Saturday, so my last month, and specifically the last two weeks, has been quite busy preparing for that.  I really enjoy this kind of work but always forget how much work it really is.  Planning the songs and choosing a team of musicians, prepping music for them, holding rehearsals, planning equipment needed and sound checks, and all of the other logistics that go along with the job.  I’m really looking forward to the day; it’s going to be wonderful.  I count it a privilege and blessing to lead the women in worship.  

On the heels of the retreat, I’m helping plan a baby shower for Lynn next month!  So fun. We are all anxious to meet this new baby in our family.  

My grandmother is also not doing so well and we are planning an unexpected trip to NE to see her this month.  She is the last living grandparent between Kenny and myself.  We are so grateful that we had relationships with all of our grandparents and that our kids knew most of them as well.  That also means that our children experience their deaths with us, and James and Anna have definitely been through much of that.  When I mentioned to them about G’ma, James immediately didn’t want to talk about how old she is, and that she isn’t doing well.  We’re praying that the trip would be a sweet visit for all of us.  

What is filling your home right now?  

2 thoughts on “Catching Up

  1. Love your list of random! Hooray for ordinary things – life is not full of a new magnificent idea every day but simple ordinary mundane things that make up beauty in our lives. I love that you are leading worship at a women’s retreat! And with our A/C running daily now – I’m sorta jealous about the snow 🙂 Love you, friend.

    • Thank you, Monica. Keep in touch while you’re in CO this summer; we’d love to see you guys!

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