James Turns 8

James helping demonstrate the cello in music class

Last month, James turned eight and I still can’t believe it.  How did eight years go so quickly?  Amazing.  

James is a remarkable young man and we are so happy God placed him in our family.  He is kind and compassionate, thinks of others, and is a wonderful big brother to Anna.  He is growing tall and already has a farmer’s tan.  He has ventured into the world of hair gel and loves to style his hair every morning.  

Handing out “light sabers” to his class at school for his birthday

He is learning so much and has thrived in 2nd grade.  His favorite subjects in school are math, science, P.E., and music.  At the school’s recent book fair, his top choice was a book about math.  He loves Legos, rockin’ out on his drum set, and reading.  It’s been exciting watching him transition to reading chapter books this school year.  His favorite books are Encyclopedia Brown, anything Star Wars, and the “I Survived…” series.  James is responsible, fun, smart, and handsome.  And we love him to pieces.  

His 8th Birthday party was all about Star Wars and it was a great party.  Daddy was in on the planning of this one and he outdid himself.  I handled easy decorations and a cake, but Kenny created a Jedi Academy in the basement and worked on it night after night leading up to the party.  Complete with fun lighting, Star Wars music, and games for the kids to earn their light sabers.  So fun.  

Besides family, James invited his two buddies that used to live on our street, Eli & Caleb, and his best friend from school, Laila.  It was a fun group and we all enjoyed celebrating James.  We ended the day going out for sushi, James’ choice.  

We love you, James, and are so proud of the young man you are growing into.  Our greatest desire for you is that you know how much Jesus loves you.  Understanding that great love will transform your life – beginning in your own heart and extending to everyone you meet.  May God continue to draw you to Himself.  Happy 8th Birthday!