The Last Day of School!

We are finished with school!  Yay!  I feel it’s a great accomplishment for all of our family!

Fall 2016

May 2017

Fall 2016

May 2017

James and Anna learned SO much this year!  They both worked hard – Anna has learned to write her first and last name with capital and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and letters.  She is starting to read too!  So exciting!  James has tackled his homework every afternoon like a champ – always wanting to get it out of the way.  He’s worked hard on math homework, spelling words, and memorizing poems all year.  

Anna and her teacher, Mrs. Llano

Kenny has faithfully driven James to school every morning again this year and it is such a huge help to me.  James’ school is completely the wrong direction as Kenny heads to work; by the time he arrives at Young Life, he’s usually been on the road for an hour. Thank you, honey, for this sacrifice in your day.  I have so appreciated it.  

James and his 2nd Grade Teacher, Mrs. Unruh

James and Mrs. Sallie, his class tutor (helper)

James and his music teacher, Mrs. Crane

As for me, no more making lunches at 7am, no more afternoon pick-up or checking homework and quizzing spelling words and poems (although I never minded this time with James).  No more volunteering in his classroom every week – I’m actually going to miss this!  His class was a wonderful group of kids and I so enjoyed meeting with them every week.  They each made me a card a few weeks ago to say thanks.  So sweet.  

We’ve had a great few days making our rounds to all of James’ teachers and office staff in the school saying goodbye and giving gifts.  It’s hard to say goodbye to all of them. By the end of the school year, they become like family.  But, we look forward to August when we’ll see them all again!  Many of the teachers were excited to hear that James’ younger sister would be in kindergarten in the fall.  So sweet.  

Now a few slow days at home with no plans!  

2 thoughts on “The Last Day of School!

  1. Yesterday was the last day of school here. And now we transition to summer!

    • Yay! What is summer like for you guys? Do your kids do activities or are they mainly home? How do you structure summer days? I’m just curious. I’m writing a post on this balance for this week. 🙂

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