More School Fun

I neglected to post about a few things from the kids’ school year, so thought I’d put them all into one post.  

At James’ school, they have experience days several times a year where the kids dress in costume, participate in activities or eat special foods that coincide with what they’re learning.  This year in 2nd Grade James experienced…

Constitution Day…

James researched and presented James Madison

Pioneer Day – stringing popcorn and cranberries for Christmas…

and Immigration Day, where the kids had to participate in many tests – physical and written – to obtain their Green Card.  

In March the 2nd graders performed in a music concert which was so wonderful. Watching my kids perform, in any way – on stage, on the soccer field, in ballet class – continues to make me tear up.  In fact, the morning of James’ concert, he said, “Mom, you’re not going to cry, are you?”  🙂

Anna had two field trips this school year.  One to a local nature center with Dad…

and the other to the Space Foundation with Mom.  

Anna also had a music concert the last week of school.  It was the day after her cast came off so she was thrilled to have both arms to do all of the actions.  

Looking back over these pictures makes me so thankful for both schools the kids were in this year.  We really have enjoyed the year!  


2 thoughts on “More School Fun

  1. Awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing. You are blessed to be able to go and do with the kids at their schools. They are growing so much. Miss seeing all of you.

    • Yes, I count it a huge privilege to be home and able to help in their classrooms. Such a joy. We miss seeing you too! Love you!

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