Kenny took the kids to an air show last month and they all had a great time. Due to weather and low clouds some demonstrations were cancelled, including the Air Force Thunderbirds, which was disappointing. Getting all of the Thunderbird pilot’s autographs made up for it, though.
Personally, I’d take the 10th picture up, a small white one. When I lived in Cape Girardeau, MO flying was a week-end to do for alot of people. I went several times with friends. A guy that gave lessons took me up once and he said “here, she’s yours”. Yah right. Of course he was right there. And I even landed it, love to fly. That is really educational for the kids. Elizabeth works for Allegent Airlines some technical ????? they now live in Florida, moved from Nevada. Now live close to his folks which makes it good.
Wow! What a cool experience. Have you ever flown a plane again?