On New Year’s Eve we had our annual dinner of dips, watched movies, and played Monopoly. This tradition began in Kenny’s family and we’ve been continuing it the past several years. For the first time we decided to let the kids stay up. Typically, the kids and myself are in bed long before midnight, but this year we decided to give it a shot. The kids made it to midnight (they were so excited!) and mom gave up around 11pm. Was a fun evening!
Like every new year, I spend some time reflecting on the previous year and thinking about the coming year. I go back through my calendar, make any permanent notes I need to keep, journal about my thoughts and ideas, and then I usually spend some time thinking about goals for the new year. Years ago I made resolutions and was always disappointed in myself when I couldn’t keep them. Now, I make goals; things I’d like to try to do. If some of them stick, great, and if not, at least I gave it a go. Life’s too short to beat yourself up over the small things.
My goals for this year are:
* Run diffuser more – Our family has found we can somewhat avoid colds if we regularly diffuse On Guard and use the oil on our feet and throats when feeling symptoms.
* Quiet time – I regularly meet with the Lord but some days there’s just not enough time to dig. About the time I get into hearing or learning something it’s time to go or someone needs something. I’d like to lengthen my time spent in study and prayer so I’m trying to schedule it every day at times that work better.
*15 minute declutter – I learned from the Fly Lady that we didn’t accumulate all of our stuff overnight and it’s not going to get decluttered overnight. I’m trying to spend 15 minutes every day decluttering somewhere in the house.
*Take a walk – My favorite form of exercise is brisk walking. So, I’m trying to schedule that in every day as well. Even if it’s only for 10-15 minutes, I feel so much better when I’ve made an effort to move.
Do you make goals or resolutions for the new year? What are some of yours? Let’s encourage each other to persevere!