Last Friday night we split up and spent time together just the girls, and just the guys. Anna and I planned to paint canvases for her room and have ice cream. We had the best time painting together…Anna was miss chatterbox and I loved it. Get her alone and she has so much to say. At least three times during the evening she said, “So, what should we talk about?” In fact at one point, we were both enjoying painting for a quiet minute and she said, “Boy, it’s really quiet.” Then about three seconds later. “What should we talk about?” Later while eating our ice cream I told her she seemed older to me tonight. To which she replied, “Is it because I’m talking so much? Because I feel older.” Oh Anna.
After our ice cream we snuggled in front of the fire reading by flashlight. Anna kept giggling she was having so much fun. The reading lasted all of two minutes because we quickly discovered hand puppets on the ceiling with the flashlight. We laughed and laughed.
After she was all tucked in for the night she got up and found me and said, “Mom, I can’t sleep for two reasons. First, I just had so much fun!” And more giggling began. (Probably the ice cream.) “And second, I still have paint on my arm!” as she holds up her arm for me to inspect. After cleaning her arm we decided it was indeed bedtime but we’d have to send the guys out again sometime soon to have another fun girls time. These memories together are so precious.
The guys headed out to get MVP haircuts (includes a shampoo, hot towel for the face, neck/back massage, and a vibrating chair), then stopped at Starbucks for hot chocolate, and made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby for something James wanted. While they didn’t document their evening with pictures like we did, they assured us they still had a blast.