We finished the Little House books! I can’t remember when we started this series, but I think it’s been at least a couple years. There are nine books in the series and we enjoyed each one. All four of us loved these books so much. They are charming, beautifully illustrated, and full of detailed descriptions. The books capture Laura Ingalls Wilder’s childhood in the Midwest during 1870-1894. They are fascinating, jaw dropping, and full of much joy and heartache.
Most nights before the kids go to bed, the four of us pile onto our bed and read together. It is one of our family’s favorite traditions. We so enjoyed this series and I think we were a little sad to finish. It may be difficult to find something to top these! If you haven’t read these charming books I would highly recommend it!
I have fond memories of my mom reading this series to Monica and me. We are slooowly working our way through–currently in The Long Winter!
That’s great, Carrie! The Long Winter was a hard one to read! It made us SOO thankful for the comforts we have.
Dad and I enjoyed the times we were visiting and got in on the ‘Little House’ stories…well done Kenny and Jessica taking the time to read daily to the kiddos!
One of my permanent and precious “rememberies” was sitting on the couch in your living room holding Anna with her freshly washed hair and James with his spiked up, after-shower “happening” hair and Kenny kicked back and resting in the chair by the fireplace and Jessica sitting in the other chair reading the next installment of the Little House books. I think it was part of the Long Winter series. I’ll never forget being able to be part of my kids’ and my grandkids’ lives in such a way. Jess, thank you for taking the time to share such precious moments.
They are sweet memories for us too – so glad you can join us!