Vacation Bible School…
Free summer organ concerts! Every Thursday at the city auditorium there is a free organ concert. We’ve been going for several years now with some friends of ours – just a couple times each summer when it works. One week the Shriner’s Dixieland Band played with the organist. Another week, we heard Disney favorites and lots of patriotic music. So fun! We are definitely the youngest people there by decades, but I think hearing live music of any kind is so wonderful. Even the kids enjoyed it!
Swim lessons…We are so proud of the kids and their efforts in swimming this summer. In two months they learned so much! James and Anna, we loved seeing your bravery, courage, and perseverance this summer. Way to go!
Anna read a book about fashion this summer which led to her own drawings of dresses, complete with hairstyles and accessories. Love her creativity!
The kids received TinkerCrates from Pap and loved putting them together. Such fun, unique projects that require following directions and perseverance to finish. Thanks, Pap!