It has been a full few weeks here! God has been so good to carry me and I’m very thankful.
Several weekends ago I led worship at our church’s women’s retreat, then a few days after returning we had some of Kenny’s family visit for the week. And now on Monday we leave for NE to visit my family over Fall Break. Each of these events deserve their own post and that will be coming after we return home. There is so much to share about each.
This week after getting the house in order after company, I’ve spent some time reflecting on the previous weeks and I’m amazed again at how good our God is. In years past after the busy weeks we’ve had I would be feeling it and would need several days or more to recover. But I have felt great and and am still going. Only God can do that. But we have our responsibility as well – God asks us to do our part too. We can’t expect to sit idly by and wait for God to work. The walking I’ve been doing regularly has helped tremendously to give me more energy. (Leslie Sansone has become a good friend – check her out if you’re looking for a new way to exercise.) I’ve been making time straight away in the morning for quiet time rather than just whenever it works during the day, and having that perspective for the day makes a world of difference. I actually think I get more done in the day when I’ve made time for the Lord first. Isn’t that just like HIm to do that? Of course, I’m still working at all of this. Some days these things don’t happen because of appointments or other commitments. I am still a work in progress; I’m just grateful that these things are becoming habits and are helping.
For today, I’m thoroughly enjoying having James and Anna home from school today for Fall Break. We are having a slow day at home with no where to go which all three of us have been looking forward to. We are continuing our tradition of watching Anne of Green Gables over break and are enjoying that today. The cooler temperatures dictate a cup of tea while watching which make it that much more enjoyable. So thankful for these memories with the kids.
I’m looking forward to our time with more family this next week and will get back to writing here when I return. I pray you see God’s blessings at every turn these coming weeks!
*Pictures are from our walk around the neighborhood today
Great post Jessica! It is truly amazing how God has carried you through the last few busy weeks…and yes, it is just like Him to bless us as we take time for him, as well! We are also looking forward to the time with family coming up! 🙂
Beautiful fall colors! Enjoy this time with family.
Thanks for sending my parents a card this week! =)