We so enjoyed our time with family this Christmas and count it a blessing that we have wonderful, new memories with all of them!
Christmas Eve
James made his own recipe of hot chocolate which turned out great!
Mom and I spent some time preparing food for the next day. We made Lucile’s coffee cake for breakfast, a fresh cranberry salad, cherry cheesecake and a potato casserole for dinner.
We continued work on our Christmas puzzle…
Played Euchre…
Attended the Christmas Eve service at church and took some family pics beforehand…
And left cookies and milk for Santa!
Christmas Day
Dad finished the puzzle Christmas morning! He actually did most of the work on it. From the time they arrived he worked on it consistently until it was finished!
We spent a leisurely morning opening stockings, having a yummy breakfast of Kenny’s grandmother’s coffee cake and scrambled eggs, and opening gifts. So fun.
Our family’s one gift was tickets to see several Broadway shows on tour. A few weeks before Christmas we saw Cinderella at the Pikes Peak Center, and we gave the kids tickets to The Sound of Music (January) and Les Mis (June) to open on Christmas. I wrote a silly poem for them to open first. It was so fun to watch their expressions as they began to understand the gift. This is the only gift we gave the kids (and to each other) and we’re all so excited to see these shows together!
To James & Anna ~ Christmas 2018
This Christmas, because we love you so,
Our gift to you will have a different tune.
Oh the places the four of us will go!
To The Pikes Peak Center again in January and June!
We don’t mind the toys and games and books,
But wanted something to do together.
We might get a few funny looks,
But we’ll be closer through all kinds of weather.
This gift comes from the heart,
Even though it isn’t something to collect in your room.
Being with the two of you is the best part,
We’ll be out late by the light of the moon.
So get ready to see The Sound of Music,
We’ll sing along with every song.
And we’ll each wear our tunic,
As Les Mis sounds the gong!
The rest of the day included a nap, playing with a new game, and prepping dinner. We enjoyed a wonderful meal with all of our family and so enjoyed the evening together.
This little manger was my favorite Christmas gift. A neighbor friend made this for us and I love it. It is a perfect reminder of what our celebration is all about. We get together, give gifts, and feast together to the glory of God. Jesus makes all the difference and He is the reason we celebrate!