Here we are at the last day of school and I find so many thoughts and emotions running through my mind. If you haven’t noticed, I process life through words. Most of my words are contained in my stacks and stacks of journals, but today I thought I’d share my thoughts here.
Last fall it took awhile to adjust to having the kids gone all day. I worked through all the feelings then about that change, and nine months later now we’re upon another change. I find it interesting that a school year length is the same time it takes to grow a baby. Maybe nine months is the normal amount of time it takes to adjust to something new. I think that may be true for me. 😉
While I’ve gotten into quite a routine by myself at home, I am definitely looking forward to having James and Anna home every day. I’ll still make time for the things I’ve found I need – quiet time with Jesus to study and pray and my walking. They are essential to my well-being and I feel a bit lost without them. I’m looking forward to more time at home and less time driving to and from school. More days to sleep in, stay in pajamas a bit longer, and enjoy breakfast together. Plenty of time to play outside (it’s finally sunny today!), to cover the driveway with sidewalk chalk, and eat more popsicles and ice cream cones.
The bottom line is – life is more fun with James and Anna! We’ve got plans of things we’re going to do and learn (more on that later) but I’m most excited just for the day to day of hearing their voices more, settling more squabbles, and making more memories together. More. Life is definitely MORE with the two of them and I love it.
So this morning while they’ve been gone, I’ve prepped their favorite dinner – Smothered Burritos with all the fixin’s. I’ve found some scripture from Proverbs to guide our conversation at dinner about the blessing of learning and gaining wisdom. And we’re celebrating with Guys and Girls night afterwards. The boys are playing laser tag and the girls are headed to play glo-golf.
James and Anna, you’ve persevered well this school year and have grown in so many ways. We’re very proud of you and look forward to our days together this summer!