A couple weekends ago we spent quite a bit of time cleaning up our yard after the big snow we had. Lots of broken tree branches to saw down and haul out. We loaded G’pa Archie’s yellow truck to the brim.
Later, James mowed the yard, Kenny and Anna bought annuals (a tradition for the two of them to pick out flowers together every year), and another day, I got them all planted. Sometimes planting feels like one more thing to do, but the minute I get my hands in the dirt, I immediately feel stress melting away. It really is amazing. I love it. Thanks, Mom & Dad for teaching me the value of getting my hands dirty!
After the work was finished, I sat outside to enjoy the beautiful day and read. James even pulled up a chair with a book and joined me for a bit.
Our poor trees just don’t look the same anymore, but I so enjoyed the view of the beautiful, blue sky!