Back in June I wrote about our summer plan – a mix of projects, fun events, and life skills I wanted to teach the kids. We completed everything on our June list! It was a great balance of work and fun and the kids had a ball making their own meals.
July was a different story. We had company a couple times and a vacation so I purposely didn’t plan much for the first half of July. Unfortunately I haven’t felt great the past month since our vacation, so we didn’t finish everything I wanted to the second half of July.
Things we did do in July & August
Cleaned and organized under the kitchen island.
Sorted and organized the toys in the window seat.
(The kids did both of these projects on their own since I wasn’t feeling well and I was so thankful for their efforts.)
Cleaned the kids’s bedrooms.
Life Skills:
Hygiene – we’ve continued focusing on this since June – specifically teeth brushing. The kids had dentist appointments this week and they’re doing so much better in this area!
Dishes – Both kids have more responsibility in the kitchen after meals now – Yay!
Fun events:
We saw Smallfoot in the theater – (Cinemark’s $1 movies for kids all summer long)
Attended the Rodeo
Visited Denver for the day
Visited the Pioneer Museum
More play dates with friends
Watched the sunset
Other things I wanted to focus on with the kids but will save for a later time are:
Teaching James how to do laundry
Baking skills – the kids help often with baking but they’re interested in learning more
Serving others – I’d like to use our baking skills to make something we could share with others – neighbors, police or fire station, etc.
Reading food labels and ingredient lists
I’m grateful for the plan I made at the beginning of the summer – it helped us accomplish some things and made sure we had some fun too. And again, because the plan was flexible I don’t feel too bad about not accomplishing everything. Life happens and flexibility is the name of the game!
Sounds like everyone accomplished exactly what was intended: growth on multiple levels. Kids have grown and have a summer of enjoyable memories. Apparently mom, and dad, did another excellent job. Remember, God had/has a plan for the summer too. And apparently it went exactly as it was intended. Luv ya……dad.
You’re right – thanks Ken!