December is a busy month no matter how you slice it. We work hard to keep it simple and say no to some things, but there’s still math homework, spelling words, book reports, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping PLUS the fun of Christmas – gift buying, baking, Christmas parties at school, church concerts, etc. All of these festive activities are things we want to do but certainly contributes to the craziness of the month.
I shopped locally for three gifts this year and the rest I bought online (which I LOVE). While in Hobby Lobby last week I had a little extra time so decided to just wander the aisles and enjoy getting in the Christmas mood. What I found, though, was brokenness. This world is full of broken, hurting people who need Jesus. Mamas yelling at their kids, angry customers waiting in line, broken ornaments here and there, scowls on faces, and mostly, people hurrying, hurrying everywhere. I admit I often fall into doing all of these things too. We’re human, we’re broken by sin, and while we strive to be holy, we’re simply not.
That’s the whole point of Christmas. We’re not holy and we’re never going to be without help. Enter – Jesus as a baby in the manger. God’s plan to save us is SO incredible and wild. There are days I still can’t quite believe that He chose to do this for us.
The other thing I noticed while at Hobby Lobby was this phrase: “Jesus Is The Reason For The Season”. Printed on mugs, napkins, paper plates, wooden signs, you name it. The more I walked the store and prayed for people, the more I longed for Jesus to return. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
As we enter this last week and a half before Christmas, my prayer is that as I finish all that needs done my heart and mind will be fixed on the One we celebrate. I’ve allowed myself this last week to get sucked in, to focus on the to do list, to hurry, and to get stressed. Oh Lord, calm my anxious heart and breathe new life into all I do.
I’m headed to put on my Perry Como music, get a cup of tea, turn off all the lights except the Christmas tree, and take a deep breath.