This month has been marked by frigid temperatures and snow! We’ve had several snow days and a late start too. While snow days are sometimes inconvenient – the plan I had for the day is suddenly cancelled – I still enjoy having the kids home. Unfortunately, Kenny no longer has snow days, but at least he can work from home and doesn’t have to get out and drive. Unexpected snow days have given us more opportunities to get cozy, and we all love that.
I’ve loved this magazine this winter! So many ideas for cozy times and beautiful photography.
Our Valentine’s Day tradition of Fondue continues!
Last week Kenny did lighting for the ECA high school play, Alice in Wonderland, and James got to help run the light board at the performance we attended. A few months back James ended up running a spotlight for Kenny at the church Christmas concert. Maybe we have another lighting guy in the family!
Last year I read through The One Year Bible and so enjoyed it. I was way behind over December so actually finished it in January of this year. I felt such a sense of accomplishment! I’ve read through the bible before, but hadn’t tackled it in one year before. I LOVED seeing the Bible in its entirety this way. Reading such a large section (OT, NT, Psalms, & Proverbs) every day sometimes made it hard to really focus on any one part. Sometimes I would just be going through the motions and would struggle to see how the passages were applicable to my life; specifically reading through parts of the Old Testament. But more often than not, God would show me something I could take away – something I needed for that day. Unbelievable.
Hebrews 4:12 English Standard Version (ESV)
12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
This year I’ve started reading through The Valley of Vision, a book of Puritan prayers, and Gracelaced, a study through the seasons of the heart as they correlate to the four seasons. I’m so enjoying both of these books, but I’ve noticed that I’m really missing being in the thick of scripture of every day. Gracelaced is a Bible study in a way, but it’s not the same as reading large portions of scripture every day. Next I think I’ll choose a smaller portion of scripture, or just a few verses, to study or memorize for the entire week. There’s such benefit to meditating on one verse for days on end.
And, I’m loving the differences between The Valley of Vision – a plain, black book versus Gracelaced – a beautiful book, cover to cover that includes beautiful paintings and photographs. I look forward to opening that book – for both the aesthetics and the rich truths. The Valley of Vision is rich in it’s own way. The words penned by the early Puritans are such solid truths – it needs nothing more. It stands alone and is nourishment for the soul.
What books or bible studies are you enjoying these days?