In December, Anna’s teacher shared some exciting news…
…and at their Valentine party she revealed she’s having a girl! The kids are beyond excited and thankful she’ll be with them through most of the school year.
Also in December, Anna and all of 2nd grade attended a performance of A Christmas Carol. A cute pic of the girls on the bus in their fancy dresses.
James’s class made pancake batter in groups and enjoyed pancakes to celebrate the last day of school.
Anna’s last day before Christmas break was Pioneer Day! The 2nd graders learned the Virginia Reel, they rode the Pony Express, wrote a letter home as if they were pioneers out west, and ate a feast similar to what the pioneers would have eaten. Such a fun day!
And finally, James’s class had a Valentine party last week too…
…and Renaissance Day too. The 5th grade learned a period dance, worked with a printing press, practiced mirror writing & calligraphy, and even got under their desks and drew on paper taped underneath to mimic how Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. We love our teachers and their hard work to help our kids learn!
Naomi’s teacher is also expecting a baby–and just announced this past week that she’s having a girl!!