Last week our governor announced all CO schools will not be returning this school year. We knew this decision was coming, but it was still difficult to hear. The kids actually are handling this news pretty well. We prepared them for this outcome in the beginning and I suppose that was wise. When we told them we talked through it all again – what they’re sad about and some blessings in the midst of it. And that was that. They’ve moved on and accepted it. I think maybe I’m having a harder time with the news than they are. It saddens me their school year is ending this way, but I have to trust that God has a bigger plan for our family than I do.
Homeschooling is proving to be a challenge for all of us. We’ve completed three weeks now and have five weeks ahead of us yet. We school Monday through Thursday; 1.5 – 2 hours each morning. Schooling at home isn’t our favorite, but we’re making the most of it and I’m determined we’ll finish strong. I know some families have thrown in the towel already, but I just can’t do that. Thus far we’ve followed the school’s suggestions and have completed all assignments they’ve given us. Each week the kids have only 2-4 assignments that we return to the teacher but it’s suggested we complete everything else as well. Moving forward we’re still going to aim to finish everything we’re given, but I’m slowly learning to bend where I need to for the well being of the family.
That being said, we acknowledge that it could be worse. We could have six hours of work each day instead of two! And, we’re learning to dig deep through this. We’re learning to persevere in new ways, to have patience with each other when we’d rather not, and in the midst of it all, we are learning a few things. Some of it is even fun!
In addition to school work, we get outside to play everyday, we work on a few chores around the house, James practices drums, and Anna is keeping up with ballet. Most days are pretty full with all of this once you add in time for the kids to just be. I did spot them actually reading the dictionary one day, though, and had to snap a picture to document that.
Kenny continues to work from home and we’re not sure when Young Life will reopen. Again, we’re thankful for his job and that there is still much work to do. I’m so proud of the way he faithfully works hard no matter the circumstances.
Since my last update, the kids have connected with friends via video chats. That has helped tremendously and they enjoy time to “see” each other and talk. James and Anna are also developing their friendship through this and I’m so grateful. Sometimes they argue and want to have nothing to do with each other. But other times they play together well and I find them simply sitting, having a conversation together. When I saw this I instantly flashed forward to years down the road and saw them as teenagers. I pray they remain good friends as the years go by.
We created a “Miss This” Jar a few weeks back. The idea is you write on slips of paper things you’re missing during this time, and when it is safe to get out and about again, we’ll go through the jar and work to complete each item. It’s been a fun way to acknowledge the things we’re missing, and also have something to look forward to down the road.
With all of the changes our family has experienced, we acknowledge that we are healthy, safe, and have everything we need. We are so thankful. The people we know that have contracted COVID-19 have recovered and are doing well. For that we are grateful. It’s easy to get lost in our own bubble and forget the bigger perspective of what’s happening. We continue to pray for God’s mercy and look forward to life returning to normal one day.
A friend sent me this quote this week and I find it so timely and encouraging. I hope it blesses you in this crazy time we all find ourselves in.