Anna has been asking to paint her bedroom for a LONG time. In fact, we think she picked out the paint chips she wanted two summers ago when we were re-doing the guest room. Yikes. She’s been very patient and would ask every once in awhile about it. It’s been on our list to do but there always seemed to be more pressing things that needed done. Excuses, excuses. Last week with the long weekend we finally made it happen!
Her room has been blue and yellow since we moved in. For a nursery the colors worked fine and we just added some pink here and there. But now Anna has visions of “Tantalizing Teal” and “Free Spirit”. Her room turned out great – a bright and cheery teal on the walls and a light lavender for a few accents in the room. Daddy even took the time to paint a teal strip on her headboard and footboard. She loves the new colors and her room definitely has a “big girl” feel to it now.