My incredibly loyal friend, Amy, came to visit this 4th of July again. Amy faithfully visits most years in July, to escape the heat in Arizona, and because she knows I have a hard time traveling. I’m so grateful for her willingness to do this and we all look forward to her visit every year.
James played mad scientist this year and mixed up some concoction of soda, baking soda, and vinegar; trying to get a fountain to happen. The ingredients didn’t work like he’d hoped, so then the boys got out the Diet Coke and Mentos which works every time.
We did our usual things when she comes: a shopping trip to Old Navy with the kids, dinner out just the two of us, made her famous egg rolls for dinner one night, and watched some fireworks. I love that we have traditions for Amy’s visit and now the kids look forward to doing these things every year with her too.