On December 31, 2020, we celebrated the end of a year and the beginning of another. New Year’s Eve in our house is a fun night. We made our usual dips and appetizers for dinner, introduced the kids to Singin’ in the Rain, played James’s new board game he received for Christmas, played some video games, started the new Mulan movie, and toasted each other at midnight. As we neared the time to start our fun evening together, the kids were crazy giddy with excitement. I’m so thankful the kids identify with our family’s traditions and rhythms and that it means something to them.
2020 has been quite a wild ride, hasn’t it? Definitely one of the most surprising, challenging, and meaningful years we’ve had as a family. While COVID brought many disappointments and ups and downs with school, we also saw great family time and new memories together because of it. Like most things, with some distance and perspective, it’s easier to be thankful for the difficulties. God has shown Himself faithful time and again through 2020, providing what we needed at just the right time. He is still sovereign, loving and trust-worthy no matter what 2021 brings. We are thankful and grateful at the close of a year and prayerful and hopeful as we begin a new one.
For a laugh as you begin this new year, here’s the scene from Singin’ in the Rain that had the kids roaring with laughter. Hope you enjoy it!