Most of the goals I set for January were accomplished which feels great.
*Kenny and I spent some time planning our year and setting goals for things that need done.
*I updated our Christmas card list, thought briefly about what kind of card or letter I’d like to send this December, added our postcard to the Christmas album, and made a few notes about gift ideas for this year too.
*I finally updated a meal idea list which has already proven to be helpful in planning meals.
*I’m still working on the Salvation Army donation – a big job. I did go through my dresser and closet and found items to donate that I no longer wear, but I’m still working on taking photos of all the items and then will make that drop.
For February I’m planning to:
*Finish the Salvation Army donation
*Make birthday cards – I enjoy making cards and envelopes from old magazine pages and this year I’m planning to do that for most of our friends and families’ birthdays. I already completed the cards for January and hope to get a good start on making more for the year.
*Clean exhaust fans in all bathrooms
*Pantry re-do – Our pantry needs some love. It’s time to replace the contact paper on the shelves, edit and throw out expired items, and re-organize. I finally have all the supplies I need and I’m actually looking forward to this big project. I recently discovered The Home Edit on Netflix – if you’re into organizing you might enjoy this show!