Hawk & Hatchet

My brother, Brian, has a unique business called Hawk & Hatchet.  A dream he thought about for many years before making it a reality.  He handmakes candles, soaps and apothecary items as well as charcuterie boards and beer flights.  He also sells note cards and post cards that are really unique and vintage looking. 

I love that Brian took his interests and passions and turned it into something that he can share with others.  I love that he started pouring candles years ago in his basement.  I love that he believes strongly in the quality of his products and hand checks each item.  I love that he includes his family and has taught his kids how to help in the studio making product.  And, I love his products.  I burn his candles regularly (my favorites are Sage & Citrus, Oak & Vanilla and his Christmas scents), we use our charcuterie board often for cheese and cracker spreads, and Kenny loves Brian’s beard wash and oil.

Recently Brian was interviewed by a local CBS affiliate.  I teared up watching the interview – I’m so proud of him!  

Local CBS Interview

I encourage you to check out his products and read about how he got started at the link below.  

Hawk & Hatchet Website



One thought on “Hawk & Hatchet

  1. What a great post about Brian’s business! I hope he gets to see it, as you did a wonderful job!

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