We had a wonderful Holy Week this year – the biggest holiday we celebrate as believers in Christ!
Beginning with the previous Sunday, Palm Sunday, we read each day from scripture (the book of Matthew) the events of the day. From “Hosanna!” to “Crucify Him!” in the span of a week. This is the second year we’ve done this together as a family and it really helps drive home the focus for the week. Some days we read over dinner, sometimes right before bed, and some days we played catch up and read two days in one because of a busy evening the night before.
On Saturday, Kenny and Anna dyed eggs and we celebrated the Passover meal together. This is another tradition we started last year and also helps keep our focus on Jesus rather than eggs and bunnies. Ideally, this is celebrated on Thursday or Friday of Holy Week, but it worked best in our schedule to do it Saturday before dinner.
Saturday was a hard day. For all of us. There was arguing and misunderstandings and harsh words. As we were about to start the Passover meal I almost wondered if we should abandon it because of how things were going. But, the table and foods were set, and thankfully Kenny strongly suggested we move forward – that in being together and eating (getting something in our bellies) our moods would improve. And, praise God, he was right. As we moved through the traditions and scripture reading, our shoulders started to relax, smiles began to emerge, and the time was redeemed. Oh, what a wonderful picture of what Christ does! It was unbelievable how the purpose of Christ’s death and resurrection that we were discussing and celebrating took hold of our family and truly did redeem us and our time together. I will always be grateful for that experience together.
Resurrection Sunday was a glorious day! Our service at church was wonderful and majestic and set the tone for the rest of the day. Our family came over for brunch and an egg hunt and we enjoyed our time together.
Lynn brought Easter sugar cookies for each of us that we painted. Such a fun idea and they were delicious!
Kenny passed down his Chocolate Bunny Easter shirt to James this year. My sister, Sheila, bought this for Kenny years ago.
Sunday afternoon we enjoyed being outside together in the nice, warm weather.
That evening we cooked a more traditional Easter dinner with ham, hashbrown casserole, and asparagus. The kids and I made Resurrection rolls – something I’ve wanted to try for years. We took large marshmallows (Jesus’ body), dipped it in melted butter, rolled the marshmallow in cinnamon and sugar (the spices used in Jesus’ burial), then rolled the marshmallow up in crescent roll dough and pinched the edges together (the tomb). While baking, the marshmallow is supposed to melt and when you break open the roll, the tomb is empty! A wonderful idea, but our tombs broke open while baking and we had sticky, marshmallow goo oozing out of the rolls. They tasted delicious – like a cinnamon roll – but were pretty messy and probably something we won’t make again. Oh well, a fun thing to try once!
He is Risen!