Well, I’ve been steadily continuing my work on April goals around the house but have failed to take any pictures. The things I’ve been doing haven’t really been picture-worthy.
*Wash all comforters, mattress pads, and blankets on all the beds – Finished
*Wash and put away flannel sheets and put on cotton bedding – Finished
*Purge and organize the office shelves – Still in progress
*Purge and organize the basement shelves – Still in progress
*Make cards & envelopes– made just a few
I currently have a love/hate relationship with all of the purging and going through the house. When I finished the bookshelves and Anna’s room in March I was motivated to continue this work through the house. And, many days I still am. But it is time-consuming work that requires much perseverance! Especially when you’re working in the midst of real-life and there is food to buy and cook and laundry to do and kids to chauffeur around. It is impossible to finish a space in one day, so there is continual clutter as the project stretches into days and weeks. But, it is progress and it is good work. I’m getting rid of much we haven’t used in years and finding a few gems that I want to keep.
So, for May I hope to finish up the office and basement storage shelves in the next few weeks before the kids are out of school. Much smaller goals for this month, but hopefully that makes it doable.
So proud of all you have accomplished. It inspires me to get going on some spring cleaning around the house! Now that I no longer have daily trips to N.P., I can also make some goals of much needed cleaning. I say, ‘Well done’ for all you have accomplished. You are amazing! Love you!