Summer Days, Part 3

My view when I arrived at church very early in the morning last week for a rehearsal…

Kenny has been working for months and months on a lighting project for our church and it is close to being finished!  As the resident lighting guy at Village Seven, he was asked last summer to research and decide what kind of overhead lighting would be best for our sanctuary.  The current lights had been there for decades and it was time for something more efficient.  Last fall new sanctuary lights were ordered and because of supply issues, they didn’t arrive until the beginning of summer.  Unfortunately, the wrong lights were sent, which delayed the project even further.  Finally, the correct lights arrived, were installed, and Kenny was then able to get them aimed correctly.  That day, Anna and I happened to be at the church for another event and while checking in on Kenny, he offered her a ride in the lift.  She said it was fun and scary all at the same time.


The kids have been hopping up onto the kitchen counter now and again and it reminds me of when I used to do this in my parent’s kitchen.  Sometimes the kids want to chat while I’m working and sometimes they just sit.  Either way, I appreciate their company.  

Enjoying our local baseball team, the Vibes.  James was in attendance too, but was sitting with his friends from the youth group.  Fireworks follow the game every Friday night in the summer which is always so much fun. They really have the best fireworks show in town!

Kenny has been using his smoker more lately (working from home has made this so much easier for him) and is enjoying perfecting brisket and pork shoulder.  He recently invested in a tool to inject meat which he was very excited about.  

We served pulled pork one weekend to our good friends the Bryants and Bishops (our next-door neighbors) and had such a great time together.  

Measuring the kids…

Anna surprising her friend, Emmy, for her birthday…

James and Caden at an air-soft arena…