April News, Part 1

In April, my parents came out for a visit. We attended a track meet & jazz festival that James participated in, & also celebrated our April birthdays together. James turned fifteen! 

Anna performed in her last music concert of elementary school in April. It was a special opportunity to dance en pointe as well. Anna & two other friends who also went en pointe this past fall asked if they could dance to one of the songs & their music teacher was all for it. The girls did a wonderful job choreographing a dance that complimented the music so beautifully. 

Our principal giving her appreciation of the girls’ dance

The girls & Mrs. Crane, their music teacher for seven years

In the fall, Kenny & I planted tulip & daffodil bulbs in our backyard. We’ve been anxiously awaiting their arrival this spring & were so pleased with the result! We covered the tender shoots & stems with buckets & blankets during frosts & snows. All of that hassle was worth it!