A couple of months ago we finally got the fish we’ve been talking about getting for so long. On one of our date nights with the kids, Kenny took Anna to buy the tank, fish, and all the necessary things. They set everything up per the advice at the pet store, and over the course of the next few days, three of the four fish died. We’ve since gotten better advice about caring for fish and have mastered keeping Blossom alive. The plan is to add a few more fish to keep her company. Kenny and Anna are completely handling all things fish and I’m very grateful.
My book club is down to three, but we’re still going strong! So thankful to live next door to Jenny now!
I’m not sure I mentioned this before in my posts about our move but wanted to record another blessing the Lord provided. A couple of years ago our eye doctor moved to the north side of town and I complained how far we had to drive to see her. Then about a year later we switched dentists, and the new dentist was way north. Shortly after that, we decided to start Invisalign with the kids (more on that below), and the orthodontist’s office was – you guessed it – north. All three of these offices are now under ten minutes away from our new home. God knew our new address long before we did, and He even managed to work it out that these providers were nearby for us. What a blessing that has been! Our God cares about even the smallest details in our lives.
Anna recently got her first pair of glasses and she looks SO great in them! She knew before we even went to look that she wanted a cheetah print frame. She’s rockin’ them!
Both kids also had Invisalign braces this past year. You may have noticed them in pictures. James wore his for about six months, is finished now, and just wears retainers at night. Anna finished her first phase in seven months and now we’re waiting for more of her adult teeth to come in before finishing up her treatment. Because the cost for Invisalign and metal braces was the same, we let the kids have some input into which they would prefer and both chose this route. It’s turned out great and they’ve been very responsible about remembering to wear the trays and take care of them.
Kenny took the kids to Top Golf a while back for some fun.
Kenny did lights for a show last month – The Secret Garden the Musical. It was fantastic! James’s fifth-grade teacher was the director; Kenny has worked with her before. His lights were amazing and always bring the show to life. We so enjoyed attending and seeing many familiar on stage as well.