James in Band

James has been playing percussion this school year in the Jr. High 7th grade band and is really enjoying it.  This beginning band includes about 100 students which is fantastic.  Each instrument section meets daily for class, so James meets every day with his percussion section and the director.  Then right before performances, they schedule mass band rehearsals where the entire band practices together.  

In December, James had his first band concert and we were very excited to attend.  I may have had a few tears.  It’s a wonderful experience watching your own kids enjoy something you loved when you were young.  James played wind chimes in one song and the tubular bells (upright chimes) in the other.  Watch for him in the center playing chimes.  

James’ February band concert was canceled due to snow, so the school invited parents to come listen to the band play at the band festival they participated in last month.  Area Jr. High bands met at a local school and played for judges.  Each band was ranked and received notes from the judges on how to improve, and one judge also worked with each band for a while.  The students rode buses to the event which was half of the fun for the day.  On the way, they stopped at an area with various lunch restaurants and students were dismissed to go eat in groups together.  Lots of fun firsts for James this day.  

James’ two band directors, Mr. Ebert & Mr. Whitelaw, are fantastic instructors and James has learned so much from them this year.  I think I mentioned in the fall that we were so impressed with the two Jr. High principals and the same is true for all of James’ teachers.  He’s having a wonderful school year and we’re very thankful for the teachers God has provided for him.

We’re proud of James and his hard work in band – learning to read music, playing different instruments, meeting new friends, and learning to play as a group of musicians.  We’ve been hearing bits of ‘I Get Around’ by the Beach Boys on the marimba lately, so looking forward to the spring concert!  

December 2021

Decking the Halls…

A beautiful, fresh wreath my brother and his family sent us for Christmas.

Anna’s 4th-grade music concert…

Our family Christmas gift was attending the show, STOMP.  Kenny and I both saw the show years ago, but thought it would be something the kids would enjoy.  This year was the 25th Anniversary of the show and we were excited the tour came through town. 
Anna’s class Christmas party…

Christmas cookies!

Kenny’s Birthday!

Anna & Kenny’s annual ice skating…


Running Trains

In December, we visited our friend, Corene, at her house.  Her husband, Howard, passed away last summer, and it was very odd being at their house without him.  They typically have people over to run trains with them fairly regularly.  Corene hadn’t had anyone over since Howard passed, and she asked us to come run them and enjoy the trains again.  Kenny picked up the tasks that Howard used to do – setting up the index card packets for each train and being the switch operator.  It was an emotional day for Corene but a good, healing one and we were grateful to be there with her.