VBS & Mission Week

Last month, Anna attended Vacation Bible School at our church and had a blast.  The same week James participated in the Jr. High youth group Mission Week, which included being a helper at VBS.  In the afternoons, the youth group pulled weeds around the church property and at a nearby school and had a few fun afternoons as well.  And, Kenny decided since he was off one more week before starting his new job, he would go over every morning and run some cool lights for the VBS sessions.  He even rented a confetti cannon for the last session on Friday.  We’re thankful for these opportunities at our church to learn and grow as well as serve.  

Crazy hair day

Crazy hat day

Look for Anna, James, & Kenny in the church’s VBS video. 

Summer Days


Anna and her favorite Sunday School teacher, Mia

Kenny’s new office

A few weeks ago the kids had sleepovers with friends and decided to try an all-nighter.  Anna was first up and she spent the night at a friend’s house where they successfully stayed up all night.  James and Caden decided the challenge was on the following night for them and they managed to stay awake all night too.  This picture was taken before Caden left the following morning and they’re still smiling! 

Father’s Day 2021


Into The Woods

A month ago Kenny did lights for a show at church – his first show since before COVID!  He loved being back at it.  Into The Woods is a wonderfully clever musical where a handful of fairy tales all meet up in the woods.  James and his best friend, Caden, were Kenny’s crew and ran spotlights.  They worked incredibly hard for over two weeks – long rehearsals, late nights, and hauling gear.  The second weekend the show performed outdoors at Rock Ledge Ranch.  While it was clever to perform the show literally in the woods, it was a lot of extra work for the tech crews – setting up and tearing down each night.  The boys were troopers and invaluable help for Kenny.  The show ran during Kenny’s last week at Young Life and the first week of his break before starting the new job.  The timing was a little crazy but in the end, it was wonderful for him to have something he loves while in transition with jobs.  Of course, the show was amazing and the lighting was simply incredible.  Well done, boys!