Every time I get ready to post something about school, I thank God for the days and weeks our kids get to go. Sometimes it’s easy for me to focus on the negative – all the days and weeks they’ve missed. But truly, we are thankful and are not taking it for granted anymore.
A couple of pictures from Anna’s 3rd grade Valentine party in February…
In March, Anna’s class dissected owl pellets (the undigested part of their food such as bones or hair that they regurgitate) looking for bones to identify what the owl had eaten.
A recent note I spotted in Anna’s math homework to her tutor. So sweet.
And, Anna recently earned her Cursive License! Mastering cursive is such a big part of third grade and we are so proud of her!
In 6th grade, James’s class celebrated Pi Day in March by wearing their new Pi Day
t-shirts, eating pie and pizza, and working through various math related activities. Can you spot James?
On an unrelated note, Kenny and the kids enjoyed April Fool’s Day jokes with each other. It started first thing in the morning…James turned off the water under Anna’s sink so there was a delay while she hurried to brush her teeth before leaving for school. He also put tissues in the toe of her shoe which made rushing out the door difficult. When I went to hug Anna goodbye she reached down and squeezed my knee for a tickle and said “April Fools!” Anna said at school she enlisted the help of a boy who knows how to make pop-up cards to make a pop-up spider card that read “Happy April Fool’s Day!” for her beloved teacher. While the kids were at school Kenny put food coloring gel in their bathroom faucets. That night while getting ready for bed, James had blue water and Anna green. Anna pulled a joke on James by hiding her doll in his bed which gave him quite a surprise. And lastly, Kenny filled Anna’s pillowcase with balloons. She spotted them right away, though, before she laid her head down. It was a full, fun day of pranks!