Painting Anna’s Bedroom

Anna has been asking to paint her bedroom for a LONG time.  In fact, we think she picked out the paint chips she wanted two summers ago when we were re-doing the guest room.  Yikes.  She’s been very patient and would ask every once in awhile about it.  It’s been on our list to do but there always seemed to be more pressing things that needed done.  Excuses, excuses.  Last week with the long weekend we finally made it happen!  


Her room has been blue and yellow since we moved in.  For a nursery the colors worked fine and we just added some pink here and there.  But now Anna has visions of “Tantalizing Teal” and “Free Spirit”.  Her room turned out great – a bright and cheery teal on the walls and a light lavender for a few accents in the room.  Daddy even took the time to paint a teal strip on her headboard and footboard.  She loves the new colors and her room definitely has a “big girl” feel to it now.  

Finishing School

Last week we finished up the school year!  We’d already worked through all of the emotions of not being in school the past few months, so when we were done, we only felt relief and a huge sense of accomplishment.  By the end of at-home learning I was really enjoying the time with the kids.  And, now we know we can do it!  If we’re asked to do the same in the fall, at least we know what we’re doing now and can start in a better place.  We’re all still praying that we’ll get to return to school in August, but I’m definitely feeling a little better about homeschooling if we’re asked to.  

On our last day, the school had families drive through the car pool lane to return all library books and school property as well as pick up the kids’s supplies from their desk and locker.  We made some signs for the side of our van to let the teachers know how much we appreciated them.  The principal even took a picture of the van and included it in her newsletter!  We SO enjoyed seeing the teachers and staff again.  While we couldn’t get out to talk or give hugs, it was the next best thing.  We chatted very briefly with a few, took some pictures, and was on our way.  Such a very strange way to end the school year but it was definitely better than nothing.  

James and his 5th Grade teacher, Miss Higgins

Our Music teacher and Spanish teacher

Then we drove through the Baskin Robbins drive through on the way home.  We were already planning to celebrate the end of school the next evening, but I just couldn’t help myself.  We needed to celebrate that moment immediately!  I was just as excited about the end of the school year as the kids.  

James and Anna enjoyed going through their supplies, artwork, and goodies from their teachers when we returned home.  

James reading his report card alone in the corner…he had nothing to worry about! He did great!

Looking at class photos

James’s teacher gave him a few nice end of the year gifts.  He had them up on his bedroom wall before I could take a picture.  

And the following evening for Family night we treated the kids to new scooters and sushi for a job well done.  Our family can find any reason to celebrate and we definitely wanted to mark the end of the last few months.  

Thank you, Lord, for the grace to finish this task well!