Christmas 2019

We attended a Gingerbread House party in early December which was a first for us – so fun!  

I mentioned in this post that Christmas looked quite a bit different for us a few months back.  I was just not even close to feeling 100%, James was sick mid-December and Anna was sick after Christmas.  So, we cancelled some activities and stayed home a lot.  Kenny was amazing handling everything and we were thankful he was off work from Dec. 22 through our trip to Florida.  That was such a blessing.  

I did push myself to attend Christmas Eve service and I’m so glad I did.  It was glorious and did help Christmas feel more like Christmas.  

We enjoyed lots of slow, quiet days – for days on end.  We played lots of games, watched movies (we introduced the kids to Holiday Inn – they loved it!), had bubble gum blowing contests, and took naps everyday.  Christmas day we had to cancel plans with our family.  Since we were basically in survival mode, they were planning to bring most of our Christmas dinner.  Suddenly, we were left with no Christmas dinner.  No problem – Kenny whipped up egg salad sandwiches for lunch and Chicken & Broccoli Alfredo for dinner.  It was a non-traditional Christmas that way too – most years we celebrate Christmas with special food.  But the food isn’t really what Christmas is about.  And this year that was very clear.  The highlight was being together. 

James is a happy camper with a new notebook and sharpies!

Anna trying out new pink hair chalk

New TV watching blankets from Oma!

The kids received part of their Christmas gift before our trip over Thanksgiving: simple MP3 players they can listen to music on.  Kenny did a great job researching them,  found a model we have parental control over, and loaded them with some of the kids’s favorite music.  The kids were over the moon and so excited.  

James received a drum set for Christmas too.  He’s been in lessons since September and we’re so proud of his perseverance and the progress he’s making.  

And, we surprised Anna with a pair of boots she’d been wanting for so long.  She saved and saved her money to buy them, only to find that the price had doubled since she started saving.  She was so disappointed.  The look on her face Christmas morning was priceless.  

Instead of remembering mom was sick, I hope the Christmas of 2019 will be remembered by my family as one where we stayed home more, made new memories together, and had crazy food for Christmas day.  

School Memories

In December, Anna’s teacher shared some exciting news…

…and at their Valentine party she revealed she’s having a girl! The kids are beyond excited and thankful she’ll be with them through most of the school year.  

Also in December, Anna and all of 2nd grade attended a performance of A Christmas Carol.  A cute pic of the girls on the bus in their fancy dresses.  

James’s class made pancake batter in groups and enjoyed pancakes to celebrate the last day of school.

Anna’s last day before Christmas break was Pioneer Day!  The 2nd graders learned the Virginia Reel, they rode the Pony Express, wrote a letter home as if they were pioneers out west, and ate a feast similar to what the pioneers would have eaten.  Such a fun day!

And finally, James’s class had a Valentine party last week too…

James, his buddies, and teacher, Miss Higgins

…and Renaissance Day too.  The 5th grade learned a period dance, worked with a printing press, practiced mirror writing & calligraphy, and even got under their desks and drew on paper taped underneath to mimic how Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel.  We love our teachers and their hard work to help our kids learn!  

James as Plato

Kenny’s 40th

Deuteronomy 2:7 (NIV)

The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything.

Kenny turned 40 in December!  We celebrated with his favorite carrot cake from Fargos and going out for sushi.  Two of his favorite foods.  

This man is such a blessing to the three of us.  We love him because he goes to work faithfully every day to provide the things we need and so many things we want.  We love him because after a long day of work he dives in to help with cleaning up after dinner, math homework with the kids, and reading stories before bed.  We love him because he thinks of us first; often neglecting the things he wants to do to help us or spend time with us.  He is loving, sacrificial, faithful, and loyal.  

Kenny, we’re so thankful for you and wish you the happiest of birthdays!