Our June was a much slower pace & we so enjoyed being home more. Here are a few highlights…
James had a marching band camp for three mornings at the end of May/beginning of June. The band begins preparing over the summer for all that will come in the fall. Hard to see through the fence, but the band was in a circle on the field at the end of practice.
Watching the Air Force Thunderbirds from Anna’s bedroom window. The best view in the house!
In her early summer boredom, Anna learned how to finger knit. This was a project I had kept in the back of my mind for her – something I knew she’d love. She watched the YouTube video & learned all on her own!
Another day Anna was craving deviled eggs & I wasn’t up to making them. I gave her the recipe, talked her through it from the couch, & she made them all on her own.
Some serious card playing…
Anna & I went to see the new Little Mermaid movie in the theater, which prompted a new drawing.
Playing Clue…
Kenny & the kids volunteered at church to help with VBS. Kenny set up some amazing lights in the sanctuary, James helped with games, & Anna was a helper for a class of young girls.