Slow Days

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I’m borrowing the phrase from my friend, Monica.  She posts regularly about her slow days and I’m always so encouraged.  We’ve had more slow days around here than I like. Typically I’m all for slower days with less to do, but when the slow is forced and not chosen, it takes on a much different feel.

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Since our wonderful trip to Florida at the beginning of January (more on that later), I have been light-headed again.  This episode has lasted a month.  It is finally almost gone and we’re finally almost back to normal here.  It’s been sort of survival mode for weeks: making sure everyone has something to eat and somewhat clean clothes to wear.  Kenny has once again been our rock; delivering kids to and fro, thinking ahead to cover dinners, and of course, working full-time.  We are so thankful for the flexibility of his job in the midst of times like this.

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It’s been another roller-coaster of emotions for me while “down”.  I won’t bore you with that again, but you can read similar thoughts on the subject here.  One thing I will add…I’m re-reading “One Thousand Gifts”; one of my all-time favorite books.  This is my third reading of it, and I’m still finding things that seem new to me.  Don’t you love that about a book? What I appreciate is the re-focus the book brings.  The challenge to look at life with a new perspective:  Can you list 1,000 gifts or blessings?  Can you be a seeker of beautiful things?  A hunter of grace?  In the midst of challenging circumstances that I’m not happy about, this simple practice suddenly brings to light all of the many good things.  My focus is not how I’m feeling, but what I’ve been given.  If you haven’t read this book I encourage you to.  Whatever “hard” you’re facing, it will help you look for the gifts as well.

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I’m learning to be “thankful in all things” and appreciate what’s right in front of my eyes.  I am thankful for the time to “slow” and the chance to seek out numerous gifts every day. I’m also thankful for health restored and the privilege to be wife and mama back to normal. Lord, help me to continue to see the gifts now that I’m back on my feet.

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One thought on “Slow Days

  1. Thanks for sharing, Jess. So great to see you recently. I totally get what you’re saying about slow being forced vs. chosen.

    Love the pic of Anna ironing! =)

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