The Beauty of Friends

This summer we’ve had some wonderful opportunities to gather with friends and enjoy one another’s company and fellowship.

In July, some friends were in town and a gathering was put together to catch up with our Village X singles group from over 10 years ago.  Kenny and I spent tons of time with these people back when we had just met, were dating, and then engaged.  We spent countless hours with these friends over meals, discussions in Sunday school, and just hanging out on a regular basis.  We have wonderful memories with these dear friends and it was so fun to see each other again.


This month we attended a picnic at a park with some friends Kenny went to middle school and high school with.  This group of friends have been very deliberate (thank you, Carrie!) over the years at staying in touch and getting together whenever possible.  I have been SO blessed to marry into these friendships.  These gals have become close friends of mine, as well, and I’m so grateful.

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Then last week, we had our small group over for a potluck.  Our group is one of many small groups that meet within our Sunday school community at church.  Our group is varied in ages and stages which I think is a wonderful way to learn from each other.  We meet a couple times a month over bible study and spend time praying for one another as well.  We’ve been meeting for a couple years now and these friends have become very dear to us.

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Spending time in relationship with people is a messy, but rewarding job.  Spending consistent time with others means that as we get to know them better (and they, us), we will be involved more closely with their lives and all that that entails.  They’ll see our flaws and issues and love us anyway.  There’s bound to be conflict and disagreements along the way, but we don’t feel that’s reason to shy away from making deep friendships. Investing in others is time-consuming but we were created to be relational.  Our souls thrive on that interaction and it is so important.  Of course, it’s all a balance in making sure there’s time to recharge at home.  If we spend all of our time with others we’ll soon find ourselves exhausted and unable to invest in those around us.

When I think of this kind of community with others, I think of what Luke wrote in Acts about the early church.  “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”  Acts 2:42.  In a recent sermon on this, our pastor mentioned that community with other believers helps us understand the truth.  We can’t learn fully on our own; community enables us to apply the truth by sharpening one another and living out our faith.  I love that definition.  Thinking back over our years of countless hours in relationship with others, I don’t regret a minute of it.  Being with others encourages my soul, builds me up, and strengthens my faith.

In your life, who do you have meaningful relationships with?  What can you do to foster that relationship?  Invite them over for dinner or dessert, meet for coffee?  If you’re missing this kind of relationship in your life, what can you do to create it?  Who would you like to know better?  If it is your desire to know someone deeply, ask God who He would have you reach out to.

May you be blessed by the friendships God has given you!


One thought on “The Beauty of Friends

  1. So glad it worked to meet up on our recent visit. Fun to see these pix and think of new memories made!

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