Look who’s in Preschool!


Anna started Preschool this week!  Let’s just say she’s beyond excited.  She’s had her bag packed for some time now and her outfit for the first day hanging in her closet.  Every time we talk about school she is smiling from ear to ear.  She’s definitely ready for this next step and is really going to enjoy it.

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She’s going two mornings a week and loves it so far.  Her teacher is very kind and Anna enjoys her class.  When I picked her up the first day, she said, “Mama, I made a new friend!”  Her excitement is contagious and I’m so happy for her.


I can’t believe our youngest child is in Preschool!  When we first started discussing preschool for Anna, I was a little sad.  I thought I had another year with her at home before she would start.  But, two mornings a week still leaves plenty of time with her.  And actually, Preschool is the best thing for Anna.  She is ready for something more than just being with mom all day.  And, it will be good for Mama too.  One morning I plan to grocery shop by myself (what is THAT like?), and the other morning I’ll be teaching my piano lesson.  It will work out great.

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Anna girl, we are all so proud of you!  You are such a big girl and we know you’ll enjoy Preschool.  Remember that God is with you always – even when you go to school.  As you begin this new season, may you learn to love God and others even more!


One thought on “Look who’s in Preschool!

  1. She looks so excited! And everything matches!! She did tell me she is a big girl now because she is going to school. Can’t wait to hear all about it! Love you, AnnaLou!

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