While the boys were gone, Anna and I had a full on girls weekend. We made a long list of things we wanted to do and did most of it! Here’s the play by play.
When I picked her up from school on Friday we stopped at Arby’s for lunch. Their Jamocha shake is one of Anna’s favorites!
That afternoon at ballet I caught Anna and some friends watching the big girls dance. So cute.
Making our list…
Thumbs up for the fun list; thumbs down for the chores and errands.
We started with barbies…
…then watched a little Charlie Brown before bed.
The big thing Anna wanted to do while the boys were gone was have a sleepover. She wanted to sleep in my bed with me. So sweet. The first night we got her all tucked in on Daddy’s side of the bed, got her night light and noise machine plugged in, and she went right to sleep. She typically gets up at least once after we put her to bed every night, but this night, she didn’t get up once.
The next morning we headed out for some fun.
First we stopped at the church craft fair. The only thing that appealed to Anna was the Color Street booth (the sticker kind of nail polish). So, we spent a little time and got her nails done. Paint nails was on our list too!
Then we headed to the mall and visited Claires, Bath and Body Works, and Chick-fil-A for lunch. The next stop was Party City to look at half price costumes for all of our dress-up days at school. After all that, we were tired!
That afternoon we spent quite a bit of time having piano lessons…
We did some coloring…
…put up our Thanksgiving decorations…
…and had a dance party.
Sunday we went to church (so weird without the boys!) and I played in the service. After lunch and a rest we spent the afternoon introducing Anna to White Christmas. While I don’t typically start watching Christmas movies before Thanksgiving, Anna was interested in this one and I couldn’t wait to share it with her. It’s one of my favorites. She followed the plot well and LOVED all the dancing and “old fashioned costumes” as she said. Since then she’s asked to listen to the music more and has tried copying some of Judy’s outfits. And the latest – she wants one of the big, blue feather fans for her birthday.
We did a little more coloring before bed…
…and then tucked Anna into her own bed for the final night together. After two nights of sleeping in the same bed, neither of us were sleeping well. We were so tired. Because she had school the next day, we decided it would be best if she got a good night’s rest.
The next day was Monday; Anna went to school, I worked at home, and after school we headed to the airport to pick up the boys. We finished most of our lists and had a great time together. Anna is such a fun person to be around – she is funny and energetic. I had a hard time keeping up with her! Taking pictures at every turn was kind of a hassle; I wanted to be a bit more in the moment with her. But, I really wanted to document our weekend together. We rarely do something like this and I’m glad we have the fun pictures to remember it all. I love you, Anna girl.